
Posts tagged "catering"

  • Vendor Spotlight: Catering by Asado

    14 years ago

    There are so many options for catering in the Seattle/Tacoma area that a person can get overwhelmed (and very fat) trying to pick the right one. 
    Sifting over hundreds of webpages and reviews did little to narrow my pick and it didnt change the fact that this would all be wedding food. 
    Chicken? Beef? Doesn't matter, it will all be chewy.

    A few months back Nick and I were just heading out for a saturday night to our favorite restaurant, Asado.  We spent the evening delighting in our meals when it hit us - why dont we have them cater?  A part from being delicious and truly a favorite, it also reflects a part of our history.

    On Sixth Ave for about 4 years, they've served us some of the most amazing Argentine-inspired meals anyone could hope for.  The smell from the grill routinely wafted over to the Starbucks next door where I worked, meaning I spent 6 months perpetually craving meat.  As I was a barista, and Nick was a college student we couldn't justify the expense of a full dinner, but would often sample from the bar menu (which I still suggest as it's just as fabulous.)

    When Nick got his first real job, we celebrated at Asado.  When I left the stores and moved up to Starbucks corporate, we celebrated at Asado.  It's just fancy enough to feel like a special occasion but never uptight.  If you live in Tacoma or anywhere nearby, you HAVE to stop by and try it.